Not sure how I missed this video last October but, in case you haven't seen it, here's You can't be my teacher. Happy viewing!
Hello, my name is Danielle. I will be following your blog for the next 3 weeks, as a part of my EDM 310 class for Dr. Strange. Please visit our class blog at I watched the video "You Can't Be My Teacher" and I found it very entertaining. Teachers and students becoming teachers, like myself, should know how to use the Internet as well as be able to show children how to use the Internet properly and safely. I will be making a post in 3 weeks on my blog summarizing what I have read and/or watched on your blog. Please visit it at Thank you for the great video!
Posted by: Danielle | March 22, 2010 at 07:12 PM
I can't be as supportive as Danielle I'm increasingly finding videos such as this are having a very serious and negative impact on collegiate conversation. I have blogged about it here:
I think teachers need to be more supportive of other teachers, putting patronising video's online to tell us what we already will not suddenly make us better teachers with technology. I argue rather it is a demotivator and reason to avoid technoloy.
Ben :-)
Posted by: Ben Jones | March 23, 2010 at 02:59 AM
Quite frankly, this is just annoying. Who is the target audience for this video? I can assure you the teachers who NEED to see this never will, because they aren't on the internet. I agree with Scott, this is patronizing and ridiculous. How does it solve the problem, other than to alienate teachers even further?
Posted by: Kimberly | March 23, 2010 at 11:58 AM
Another kid portrayed as a mouthy, in-your-face know-it-all...glad he's not my student.
Posted by: Kyle | March 23, 2010 at 02:12 PM
This is poorly executed propaganda. I feel bad for the kid. Arts literacy is just as important as technological literacy and could have added a lot to this presentation. He's clearly a bright child and it's a shame to see him just parroting back what he was told by the film director (evidently his mom.)
Posted by: DramaEducator | March 23, 2010 at 04:06 PM
Actually his father and the target for the video was his father's staff who work at the cyber school. It just happened to go viral...It was originally designed to start conversation and it has served that purpose as you can see by the comments.
Thanks for the comments let us continue to discuss because that is what makes us life-long learners...wait you can't be my teacher if you are not a life-long learner...hmmm might be my next video.
Posted by: Darren Cannell | March 24, 2010 at 01:57 AM
I get the point, but I am always so wary of throwing something out because something new exists. The internet is not necessarily or intrinsically BETTER than BOOKS. Stop trashing books. This just goes to promote to kids that they don't need to know how to read books because the internet exists. A teacher who uses the internet SOLELY is just as reprehensible as the teacher who uses BOOKS solely.
Find a better way to engage people to use technology appropriately....and not just for technologies sake!
Posted by: Keishla | March 25, 2010 at 01:01 PM
Digital native? Give it a rest, kid. Yes, I know how to use the Internet. Yes, I know how to use Twitter. Yes, I understand and use Facebook. I was there when this all began, before you were a little tadpole swimming in the primordial ooze. And moreover, I see the deeper ramifications of overloading communication. I would ask you, young child, have you sat on your mom's or dad's lap, read a great story together, or told a tale of when your mommy was a little girl, something that didn't need bandwidth or batteries? Shame on you.
Posted by: [email protected] | March 28, 2010 at 11:58 AM
You seem a tad angry, bad day? The kid you are speak about is my child and the video was made by me as an educator and administrator. Do not kill the messenger. Yes he does sit in my lap every night and gets a story and yes he does hear tales about his mother as a little girl and yes he is in a classroom without technology. The video was made to start a discussion and is based on my words not his. As I did live before the internet and do use twitter, facebook and the internet but that is not the point of the video. We are currently living in an era in which these things do exist. You may want to watch it again and listen to the message. So shame on you as an educator not to try to learn from a message and look at the deeper meaning rather than attacking the messenger. I would bet that you are a middle school educator and have deadly skills in looking past the students to the root of the behavior. Look past the person in the video and discuss the message then we can have a dialog as peers. The addition of technology to a classroom does not mean we remove all the good. Books, art, drama, one to one connections, writing, reading etc are all still valuable. But the most valuable of all is a life-long learner who is the teacher, who I am sure is you in your classroom.
We are all tired of being hit by the technology stick and the 4000 other initiatives that are being thrown our way as society tries to get a handle on how to prepare students for the information age. But in the end our classroom is ours and we need to continue to seek, explore, discuss, and try to continue to learn from all sources. That little tadpole swimming in the primordial ooze as you so aptly described might have some insight that we as educators might not. Our students are worth listening to, they might have some insight.
Anyways thanks for the comment but quit attacking my child it turns me into a protective parent.
D. Cannell
Posted by: Darren Cannell | March 29, 2010 at 11:04 AM
With all due respect Mr. Cannell, I think the video sends the wrong message and is inconsistent about the value of education. The video is about technology as a lifestyle, not what it really is, which is a tool.
I would show this to young teachers and warn them that this is not reality.
Posted by: Coach Brown | April 05, 2010 at 11:02 AM
Thanks for the comment Coach Brown. The value of education I hope are changing as the world changes. Technology is not so much a lifestyle as a tool that we are faced with daily and students are using in greater and greater numbers so I do feel it is our job as educators to train them on how to use it as a tool and make sure that it does not become a lifestyle. Like any tool it has good and bad and we need to educate our students of those.
Again thanks for th dialog.
D. Cannell
Posted by: Darren Cannell | April 06, 2010 at 12:32 AM