How’s the voting for the 2010 ISTE keynote going? No idea. There are no running totals for candidates on the Round 3 web site. Nor are there even running indicators of how many people have voted to date. Maybe 6,000 people have voted. Maybe 6 have voted. There’s simply no way to tell.
There’s nothing to do on the Round 3 voting page except click on a dot and submit your vote. Your selection vanishes into the digital ether and you’re done. There’s no ability to even leave a comment there. There are no comments on the ISTE Connects page that announced the final round of voting and invited reflections on the process. There are no comments on the ISTE 2010 Ning. There are no comments on the ISTE Community Ning. There are 7 comments on my previous post that announced that the final voting round was underway.
I think ISTE has somehow lost an opportunity here. No information = no sharing = no discussion = no buzz. In the previous 2 rounds, there was conversation and attention to the process. Some of it was instigated by me, some by ISTE and/or other bloggers. This round, nothing.
There are 3 days left to vote for the ISTE 2010 keynote. Does anyone care? There’s simply no way to tell…
Hi Scott --
I think you are right -- both on the conversation now eliminated and also out of sight out of mind.
Personally, I think round 3 was unnecessary.....and from that point, they should have started to contact from #1 down to see would accept the keynote.
Besides lingering too long -- I am starting (sorry to say) to question the credibility of this (perhaps too strong a word -- but I have confusion on the top 5) and have some wonders also on exactly how transparent they will be when the "keynote" is announced.
I was with ISTE through part 1 and 2.....part 3 has now just added a lot of speculation and questions on my part and I do hope that ISTE takes the time to answer them.....but will they....and where
Posted by: JenW | January 12, 2010 at 08:19 AM
Hi Scott-
To help your readers make a better decision of who to vote for, come see two (Lehman, Stager) out of the five third round Keynote option at ITSC 2010. Oh and while you are there we also have Dr. Stuart Brown, Dr. Stephen Heppell, Steve Dembo, Rushton Hurley, Kevin Honeycutt, Angela Maiers, Peggy Sheehy, Dean Shareski and plenty of local talent. check it out
Posted by: Darren Hudgins | January 12, 2010 at 12:30 PM
To be frank, this wasn't crowdsourcing to begin with. A crowdsourced keynote would have allowed the community to not only vote for the presenter (nothing new about that) but to build the presentation together. The problem is that the whole thing was done to generate buzz, and that misses the point of crowdsourcing.
Posted by: Will Richardson | January 13, 2010 at 06:02 AM