Russ Goerend posted a couple of short video snippets from our small Tweetup at ITEC 2009 (for some reason a host of Flip cameras suddenly emerged…). In addition to a number of us Iowa tweeps, David Warlick and Steve Dembo kindly joined in the conversation.
Here’s the first video:
And here’s the second one (FYI, the first 2.5 minutes is a repeat of the end of the previous video):
I love the end of the second video where Angela Maiers talks about the lack of teacher time to learn/do technology:
They have time to run copies. They have time to go make blackline masters. They have time to correct 15,000 true-and-false questions. They have time to make cute little art projects for kids to cut-and-paste for 45 minutes…
Happy viewing (and thanks, Russ)!
I often wonder why teachers don't spend more time reflecting on how they're spending their time. Not only would this encourage a shift of priorities, but it might lead to a wider embrace of technology.
I'm constantly saying "if you find yourself in [fill in the blank process] and it's taking you hours to complete, I guarantee someone's come up with a technological solution that will save you significant time."
Of course, this does require a bit of up front time investment. And it's new (which doesn't jive well with most teachers latent conservatism).
Posted by: Zach | October 15, 2009 at 09:14 AM
Thanks for posting these, Russ and Scott. It was great meeting so many of you in person at ITEC this year.
Posted by: Matt Townsley | October 15, 2009 at 10:29 AM
That last comment by Angela is truly the rub. How does someone wanting to or even charged with promoting the use of technology in the classroom bring this up to teachers? You can't word it the way she does without turning people off. In my experience most teachers would find such a comment, as truthful as it is, insulting.
How do we reframe that question to make it in teacher's self interest to question how they use their time?
Posted by: Carl Anderson | October 19, 2009 at 01:20 AM
I completely agree with Carl Anderson. Angela's comments were insulting and put to question the hours I spent when I was teaching full time and the hours that many teachers spend every day on the teaching duties that cannot be completed using technology. Technology education is a vital part of contemporary education, and finding ways to teach teachers how to successfully teach and encourage students to use technology responsibly should be a big part of technology education. However, we need to remember that much of the best education takes place thanks to dedicated, compassionate, knowledgeable people, not computers.
Posted by: Karen | October 19, 2009 at 10:52 PM
@Karen: Why is it insulting to recognize that much of what we do as educators is time spent on the wrong things? That has nothing to do with how dedicated or hard-working educators are. We can be dedicated and work hard at the wrong things. This applies to teachers and administrators both. Paradigm shifts and revolutions require that we do some things DIFFERENTLY, which means replacing some of what we do now with something else. We can't just keep piling more on top of what we're already doing. Isn't that all that Angela was saying?
Posted by: Scott McLeod | October 20, 2009 at 06:14 AM
Karen and Carl,
My intention was not to offend or insult the hard work of teachers. I have the utmost respect and honor for the hours spent creating learning experiences that engage and promote the creative and critical thinking potential of students.
It should concern each and every educator dedicated to preparing students for their future, to see students in the 21st Century spending time in school filling in blanks, answering recall questions, and defining vocabulary words.
The pleas is not for more technology but rather to spend our time, energy, and effort differently.
Posted by: Angela Maiers | October 20, 2009 at 07:29 AM