The New South Wales province in Australia is on a quest to outfit every Year 9 to 12 student with a customized Lenovo netbook by 2012. It is expected that over 200,000 computers will be distributed to students and teachers. If you’re interested, you can read more about the project or listen to a podcast about the initiative.
I think this is a GREAT idea. Guess which high school graduates will be better prepared for a digital world: those who get to use computers in interesting and empowering ways on a regular basis or those who don’t?
Below is the publicity video for the initiative (thanks, John Strange, for leading me to this). Happy viewing, everyone!
More info on this great initiative:
Is this technically the best 1:1 Laptop Rollout in the world?
Posted by: Stu | September 06, 2009 at 04:37 AM
It would be churlish to criticise what is undoubtedly a well-meant initiative, but if there isn't broadband access to go with it, it's a little like giving away TVs to people who've had their electricity cut-off.
And, like you say, it's what you DO with it that matters. Many of the kids in the video will already have lap-tops, with broadband, and none of the fun bits removed!
Posted by: David | September 06, 2009 at 11:02 AM
I will start by saying I think this is a great initiative and would be a great 'economic stimulus package.' Now I'm going to play devil's advocate here.
1. Do students NEED technology to learn? Or do students need to learn how to use technology?
2. I hope they're ready with a stepped up recycling effort in 2-3 years.
3. Is this sort of initiative environmentally sustainable/responsible?
4. Is it realistic to even try to keep up with the pace of changing technology. In my teaching career (1997-present) we've gone from casual internet use to moodle based classes. I wonder if spending this kind of money on laptops that will be obsolete/dead in 3-5 years may be a bit frivolous. What about putting that money into classroom technology/teacher training that is flexible enough to keep up with web 2.0 and the changing world?
Posted by: Derek | September 06, 2009 at 03:23 PM
The state of Maine has well over 30 thousand Macbooks in grades 7-12. The Maine project, the "Maine Learning Technology Initiative" began in 2001 with middle schools and this year moved to Maine High schools.
Posted by: MrWizard | September 06, 2009 at 05:35 PM
You can listen to an interview about 1:1 laptop initiatives in general, as well as some specifics of the NSW DER laptop rollout, in this episide of the Virtual Staffroom.
Posted by: Chris Betcher | February 13, 2010 at 09:51 PM