The Iowa Technology Education Connection (ITEC) conference each year is fairly small. Despite its size, however, it tends to bring in some really big-name speakers for its keynote addresses. Last year the keynote speakers were Steve Wozniak and David Pogue (I also had a chance to finally meet Dennis Harper, which was super fun for me). This year’s keynotes are Hall Davidson and Alan November.
Below are the proposals I just submitted to ITEC 2008. Hopefully some will get accepted. Hope to see you in Des Moines in October!
Getting your principals and superintendent on board
If the leaders don't get it, it's not going to happen. This highly-interactive workshop will focus on some techniques and strategies for getting principals and superintendents to be better supporters of technology integration efforts. Bring your laptop!
Establishing an effective online presence in an attention economy
In an attention economy - when there is more information than people can possibly pay attention to - it's hard to get noticed. Learn why an effective online presence is now necessary and how to get started.
Why aren't you having a bigger impact?
Feel like you're working hard but making less of an impact than you'd hoped? Join us for an interactive discussion about technology, school change, and informal leadership.
(In)Effective presentations
Death by PowerPoint. Everyone knows the phrase and yet dry, boring, ineffective slideware presentations continue to be the norm. Both educators and students can learn how to create and deliver memorable presentations that leave audiences wanting more!
All four presentations sound good. As a classroom teacher trying to get the school moving to adopt a more passionate use of technology, your "Getting Principals and Superintendents on Board," topic is very appealing.
Posted by: Richard Byrne | April 22, 2008 at 07:29 AM
Those are great topics. I would be really interested in hearing about the PowerPoint presentation. For one of my grad classes, we are designing a Pre-Service Teacher/Intro to Tech class ( using the Adventure Learning model from Doering. PowerPoint is the area that we are developing right now.
Posted by: Bjorn Pederson | April 22, 2008 at 09:42 AM
Sorry, I mis-typed link above. Here is the corrected Adventures in Class Tech development site.
Posted by: Bjorn Pederson | April 22, 2008 at 09:49 AM
I would go to every one of those (although, unfortunately, I won't be going to any). They all sound excellent. Wish I was going to be there.
Posted by: edtechworkshop | April 22, 2008 at 05:56 PM